Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK)
The Jabatan Pembanguan Kemahiran (JPK), formerly known as
the Majlis Latihan Vokasional Kebangsaan (MLVK), is a department under the
Ministry of Human Resources that was established on May 2, 1989, through the
restructuring of the Lembaga Latihan Perindustrian
dan Persijilan Ketukangan Kebangsaan (LLPPKK) which was established
in 1971. The name MLVK was changed to JPK after the National Skills Development
Act 2006 (Act 652) came into effect on September 1, 2006.
To strengthen its purpose, JPK has been reinforced with the
incorporation of the Centre for Instructor and Advanced Skill Training (CIAST)
under its management, as well as the establishment of six (6) regional offices
according to zones, namely JPK Central Region, JPK Southern Region, JPK
Northern Region, JPK Eastern Region, JPK Sabah & Labuan Region, and JPK
Sarawak Region.